My 14 year old daughter talks about the “climate crisis” at least once a day.
I’m curious to know if your kids are talking about it too?

My daughter tells me that she feels hopeless about climate change because it is happening now and she thinks that there’s little she can do to reverse the damage that has already been done. She wants to make a change, but as one young person on this huge planet she doesn’t feel like she can make a difference.

Hearing her talk about this doom and gloom is difficult because I relate to how she is feeling and my heart breaks for her generation and those that follow. As Mother’s, we all love our children so much, truly more than anything and we want our children to have hope and positivity about the long joyful lives they should have.

Earth Day which is on April 22nd, recognizes the support for environmental protection that is needed. Earth Day comes and goes every year … it can be an ordinary day or an opportunity to reflect on our own environmental initiative. Can we avoid future increases in global temperatures? Are we willing to see how critical it is for us to all help this one planet earth we are call home – and our lives on it – for generations to come?

Here are 5 simple things Experts say WE CAN ALL DO to counter the climate crisis.

UNPLUG The Energy Vampires

Start with small, simple and cheap steps that save energy. Unplug your small appliances when they are not in use. Toasters, Coffee Makers, Hair dryers, Hair Flat Irons, Lap Tops, and Printers. These appliances are using energy when plugged into an electrical socket even if you aren’t using them. Unplugging these energy suckers, until you do need to use them, will help save you money and reduce your carbon imprint.

RETHINK – Sustainability Should Top Convenience

Are you a Mom who feels like you spend more time at your kitchen sink doing dishes than you do sleeping at night? I know I do. I would like a break from that kitchen sink full of dirty dishes and have more “me time” in my day. So what do I do? I buy the disposable plates and plastic cups. It’s easy and convenient. I think to myself, they can be recycled, it’s a win – win. I get a break from the dishes and I am recycling. Then I think about how my daughter recently asked me if I could take her to see the places in the world that will soon be under water. I put the disposable products back on the shelf. I rethink the disposable items and plastic waste I am purchasing. Most plastic is made from oil and gas by-products. So skipping disposable plastic whenever possible is the big environmental win-win. Doing dishes isn’t my favorite chore but if my family chips in to help it’s not that bad. I’d rather know I’m making a difference. Check out your cities specific recycling guidelines to be sure what you are disposing of is being recycled.


Can you see yourself starting a conversation with your friends, family, and neighbors about the climate crisis? It doesn’t need to be uncomfortable, political, or radical. Simply ask if they have given it thought or what their thoughts are on Florida’s coastlines changing after the most recent hurricane. You are sparking thoughts in others that hopefully will ripple and create a spark within them. Ask your employer, church, school corporation, what they are doing about the climate crisis and offer tips or ideas. With environmental issues impacting an increasing number of people, there are more opportunities than ever to help your community. You can support public campaigns to raise awareness about the climate crisis by joining marches, signing petitions, and writing letters/e-mails.

Ask all of your government representatives (no matter the political affiliation):

~ To join the net-zero coalition in line with the Paris Agreement.

~To increase National Adaptation Plans and finance for adaptation in line with the Paris Agreement.

~To set net-zero targets and join the Race to Zero.

~ (LOCAL) To keep a focus on recycling and educating their citizens about reducing their carbon footprint.

~(LOCAL) To join the C40 network of mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities collaborating to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis.

Use these letters to make your voice heard. Help your children write letters. Be Proactive.


It sounds too simple but if everyone reading this article switches to using cold water for laundry and dishes it will make a difference. REALLY AND HOW??? Yes -when washing clothes, 90% of the washing machine’s energy use goes towards heating water. That’s a big energy saving for switching to a cold wash cycle. Modern detergents are universally designed to work effectively in cold water. Washing dishes using cooler water will cut down on electricity usage, as will skipping the “heated dry” setting on the dishwasher. Not letting your hot shower water run for a long time before you hop in will also help with electricity usage.


If you are a vegetarian or vegan I would like to personally thank you for doing your part to help with reducing green house emissions. Cows are one of the biggest contributors to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Not ready to forego meat (I’m not) … that’s okay, simply cutting your consumption in half will reduce food related air pollution. Try Meatless Mondays or make the switch to nut based milks.

Unfortunately, the climate crisis does feel too big – bigger than one 14-year old girl, one mom, one person, one city, one state, one country, and so it will ultimately require all hands on deck from every human. We can do this together!


Local FB Group – CLIMATE KIDS – Unless We Act Now
– Find Out Your Carbon Footprint



