I live in the Midwest where oh my goodness the winters are so long and brutal, and the days are short. What is left of daylight is filled with endless gray. It’s quite depressing. Here are 6 habits to help you beat the winter blues so you don’t get swallowed up into the dark hole of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Here are some ideas of things that have helped me.
1. Hot Lemon and Fresh Ginger Tonic
I call this a morning elixir, it will not only warm up your hands, but will warm your insides too. The lemon is a natural alkaline detoxifier and the ginger will sooth and energize your digestive system. The thought of sipping this elixir in an oversized mug motivates me to hop out of bed and start my day.
The juice of 1/2 of a Lemon
1 Thumb of Fresh Ginger (peeled and chopped, be sure to soak your ginger before using and buy organic if possible)
Hot Water

2. Move Your Body
I knew a lady who would power-walk around the inside of her house while picking up and organizing. This lady was in pretty good shape for being an indoor power walker. Point being…get moving. Hit the gym, jump on your Peloton, practice some YOGA poses, bundle up and walk with a neighbor or your furry friend, whatever gets your blood flowing. Exercise will raise your endorphins, which will in turn boost your mood and give you energy throughout the day. Sweating out your toxins is also essential for your body, will keep your immune system strong, and you will get a better nights rest. Check out my post Tips on Living A Fit Lifestyle.

3. Get Dressed
This might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised of how many of my SAHM friends will get busy doing dishes and laundry and when 3 o’clock rolls around they are still in their PJ’s, hair in a messy bun, and uhm.. still have morning breath. So get in a routine of showering, and putting on some clothes that you didn’t sleep in and making yourself feel and look good. Apply some light make-up, maybe even some lip gloss, whatever it takes to make you smile at yourself in the mirror. These daily habits will help you beat the winter blues, you just have to make them a part of your daily schedule. Try out a new hair style How To Get Beach Wave Bomb Shell Hair and set your daily expectations and say – This is going to be a great day!

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4. Drink Water
You knew this one was coming. It seems so simple but is such an important healthy habit that tends to fade as our day goes on. We start off strong, but we get busy and forget. It’s winter, the air is chilly brisk and dry, our skin and inside of our bodies gets dry and dehydrated too. I coat on the chapstick in the winter months and my lips still feel chapped. This Glass Water Bottle has a time marker reminder, is leak proof, is reusable and is BPA Free, I use it to keep track of my water intake.
If I had to guess I‘d say most people are dealing with digestive issues and constipation on a daily basis simply because they are not drinking enough water. So drink up friends! Add lemon, lime or some orange zest for a change. I also am a big fan of NUUN TABS. These are electrolyte drink tablets that give your water great flavor, they are low calorie and sweetened with Stevia.
5. Find Joy
What makes YOU happy? I’m not talking about your kids, or your spouse, or your friends. What truly makes your heart sing? Write down the things you love to do (or used to do when you had the extra time). When you do or did this thing, did time fly?
Finding joy is so important to your happiness. If you are only doing things on your TO DO LIST and it’s feeling like groundshog day than you’re going to spiral down the resentment rabbit hole. I personally have to be creative and using my creativity to be happy. So if you love painting, paint; love writing, get your notebook and pen out; baking, bake those muffins; if you thrive on being social, schedule a coffee break with a friend. Try a new fun project like, How to Make A Terrarium. Whatever it is that makes you smile is what you need to do to fill yourself up with JOY. You deserve it!

6. Fresh Air (and if your lucky some sunshine)
Try and get outside and get some fresh air even if it’s just a walk to the mailbox or a cracked window in the car. Fresh air is so important and can change your mood instantly. Sunshine is also a game changer in the middle of winter. We all know it gives us Vitamin D which is vital for our immune systems and our mood. If it’s sunny but a 30 below day, I find the biggest window with the most sunshine and sit there like a cat soaking it all in. Another idea is to invest in a Sun Therapy Light. If you are working at a desk or even just doing the dishes you can turn it on and get your glow on and boost your mood.
If these 6 Winter Blues Busters seems like a stretch, try starting with one and tier your way up. Choose the habits that work with your daily schedule to help you beat the winter blues. Small changes can turn into habits which can lead to big overall change in your life. However, if you just can’t seem to get the strength to face the day, are sad and tearful more often than not, then please reach out to a professional for some help. Schedule an appointment with a therapist, talk to a trusted friend, and know that you are not alone. Counseling is at our finger tips with BetterHelp.com. We are all human and have highs and lows. So hang in there and take the next step to feeling better.
Spring is always right around the corner!