A terrarium is a an enclosed home environment for mini plants to live and thrive all year long. It can be any size and reminds me of a mini green house. They are simple, inexpensive, and fun for the whole family. Terrarium’s also make unique decor pieces for your home.

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~ Any shape or size container with no drainage holes. Glass is an ideal material. Feel free to get creative with your choice. The container can be partially open or closed completely. (This container is my fav…. Click HERE!)

~ Potting Soil

~ Small pebbles, or aquarium gravel (Buy HERE!)

~A variety of humid loving and slow growing plants. Check these live plants out… (HERE!)

~Sheet Moss and loose Moss (find HERE and HERE!)

~Small Decor – rocks, sticks, shells, drift wood, acorns, and any whimsicle pieces from the earth

~Activated Charcoal (Click HERE!)

~Small Shovel or Terrarium Tool Set (Buy HERE!)

~Spray Bottle


  1. Choose your container. Suitable containers include small aquariums, bell jars, apothecary jars, mason jars, and glass cookie jars. CLICK HERE!
  2. Choose your plants. Look for a variety of succulents, baby ferns, club moss, air plants, Pilea, Nerve Plant, and Starfish Plant. Pay close attention to the size of the plant and how it will sit in the container you chose.
  3. Add a layer of small gravel / pebbles to the bottom of the container for drainage followed by the activated charcoal. The activated charcoal will help with drwinage as well as any odors. LOOK HERE!
  4. Next use a thick layer of non fertilized potting soil.
  5. Lay the sheet moss on top of the soil. This will not only separate the soil from the moss it will also add color and dimension to your terrarium.
  6. Arrange your plants so they are aesthetically placed around your terrarium.
  7. Finally plant them, filling up the terrarium with a variety of green life.
  8. Spray the plants with water so they are damp.

You can purchase the entire Terrarium Starter Kit HERE!


Spray the plants every 3 weeks. Remove any dead or yellowing leaves or debris. If your Terrarium happens to be completely closed remove the lid often to prevent the condensation from building up.

Use your Terrarium to create a center piece or add to a focal shelf for eye-catching decor anywhere in your home.

Happy Mini Planting!